Welcome to my first Superintendent's blog. It has been long over due. Hopefully this form of communication will serve you on-line readers well.
Crookston Public Schools has faced many financial challenges in the past few years. The Crookston community supported an operating levy this last fall. This means that we are now able to avoid making any major reductions. We are also able to begin making things better. The pool is an example. We are starting with the infrastructure of the pool. The bricks, roof, lights, pool deck, pool shell, pool filter, boiler and air handler are all due for upgrades and improvements. After that we will look to promotions and collaboration to increase participation. Technology is another area that will see a major overhaul. Wireless technology is going into the schools. This allows every room to be a computer lab. Students can use their own devices or computers provided by the district. Teachers will be able to blend technology more fully into daily instruction.
Since this is my first installment, I will keep it short. Please look for future blogs highlighting Crookston Public School News.
How important is technology to you?