Since Mary Ann Odland retired in 2010 I have grown to appreciate all that she has done and all that the Leo Club continues to do in the service of others with the current leadership of Linda Morgan. LEO stands for Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. The Crookston Leo Club has received the LEO "Club of Excellence" award for 20 years in a row. LEO Clubs are an offshoot of the Lions Club. Lions International awards 20-35 Excellence Awards each year among the 5,738 LEO clubs in 142 countries. With local LEO club membership reaching 145 students (grades 9-12), 80% or more participate in multiple activities each year. The LEO Club has raised over $200,000 through the years. LEO club members volunteer for activities that benefit the young and old alike. They will contribute to any cause or program that helps people.

This service group has page after page of community events and activities broken down into the following categories: elementary school activities, high school activities, service to the elderly, literacy and cultural awareness, community wide activities, health awareness activities, fund raisers, program sponsorships, and community awareness. Our Crookston LEO club has been recognized as the Athletic Boosters of the Year, finalist for the J.C. Penney "Golden Rule Award', Crookston City Council "Volunteer Award", Wellness Works "Wellness Award", "Prevention Excellence Award" from the Mn Cancer Society, "Outstanding Community Service Award" for enthusiasm and support sponsored by the United Way and two certificates of commendation from Governor Arne Carlson.
It is tempting to focus only on ourselves especially in high school. Serving others is one of the greatest activities to turn our attention to others and to foster good mental health. Service to others benefits everyone. LEO Club members are good students. The giving spirit positively impacts the school culture. The LEO club has helped make Crookston a better place.
How has the LEO club or other service group impacted your life?
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